Protocol stack

The OpenlinkIQ® protocol takes care of all lower layers of the radio communication link (physical layer and data link layer). Meter and sensor data is handled in standard M-Bus upper layers. The M-Bus upper layers, APL (EN 13757-3) and TPL/AFL (EN 13757-7), are concatenated with the M-Bus Adaptation Layer (MBAL) field (EN 13757-8) and embedded in OpenlinkIQ® frames for transmission. The following figure shows the layers across the system components.

M-Bus over OpenlinkIQ® encapsulation

OpenlinkIQ® constitutes the LPWAN technology to transmit data from end devices to a radio infrastructure components (data collector). The upper M-Bus layers (APL/TPL/AFL) are enabled via a CI field mechanism detailed in EN 13757-7. End-to-end security and replay protection is handled entirely in those M-Bus layers.

The connection between the infrastructure component(s) and HES is handled by other protocols (e.g. TCP/IP). The M-Bus upper layers and MBAL field is encapsulated in a suitable application protocol (e.g. HTTPS) and transmitted to the HES (Head End System).


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